The 10 Popular Expo SDK Snacks

expo hybrid native plugin react sdk Tutorials

One of the advantages of using Expo SDK it’s wide of different components that you can include into your project. I prepared a list of some popular modules/components which are commonly used in the most of React Native projects built with Expo. You can easily test most of all these Snacks in the browser. Also, you can test these examples on the device by installing Expo client for Android here and for IOS here.

All examples are provided for Expo SDK v27.0.0. If you need to upgrade your Expo project, you can check the official article in Expo documentation and my previous article.

  1. BarCodeScanner

    The BarCodeScanner component allows you to scan the different types of barcodes.

  2. Accelerometer

    Using this module you can access the device accelerometer sensor and subscribe to all changes in 3d space.

  3. Location

    Using the Location module you can get the data about current geolocation from your device and subscribe to all location updates.

  4. BlurView

    BlurView module helps you to create a native blue view. You can use it in modal, navigation and tab bars etc.

  5. MapView

    Need to show the map in your application? MapView component helps you to show it using Apple or Google Maps.

  6. Svg

    SVG component supports most of SVG primitives and properties.

  7. Facebook Login

    Facebook module allows you to make integrations with Facebook API. In this snack, you can check an example of login integration in Expo app.

  8. Google Login

    It’s like the same as in the previous Snack, but for Google.

  9. Camera

    Camera component renders a preview from the camera of your device. You can make photos, record videos, detect bar codes or faces using this component.

  10. WebBrowser

    You can find more information about Integrating WebBrowser in Expo project in the tutorial I’ve made on my blog.

What Expo plugins/components/modules do you use in your project? Or maybe you have your own? Please, share this info in comments.

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