Sometimes per week I open “/blogs” folder of bookmarks in my browser and read new posts of some people who inspired me by their activity. These people are doing different stuff like blogging, creating tutorials, apps, courses. I want to share with you this list. Hope some of them will inspire you or make you think about different moments of your life or activities.
This is the second blog of Josh Morony. On his main blog, Josh writing mostly about the Ionic framework, but on this blog, he share thoughts about how to sell books, courses, makes email marketing, how to make a good tech blog.
The author of this blog - Simon Grimm, the guy from Germany. In this blog, he describes his way of becoming solopreneur and gives a real advice how to “leave the Rat Race”. Also, he is the author of Devdactic and IonicAcademy. I found this blog, after reading some tutorials related to Ionic on Devdactic. Besides the tech Youtube channel, in February 2018, he started sharing his solopreneur life on Youtube Vlog.
The author of this blog - Nic Raboy. How he saying - he collecting all his experience from different development areas on the blog. Nic has some courses about mobile development and Youtube channel related to software development. Many articles and tutorials of Nic helped me in my software career.
People who doing stuff with React and D3.js definitely knows this guy. Originally from Slovenia, but lives in the USA, he producing really good software books. On his blog you can see some articles about software development, productivity, side-hustle, challenges etc. On Youtube he is vlogging like a Casey Neistat.
This guy building mobile apps using React Native, blogging about Javascript/blockchain projects, making tutorials, writing monthly progress reports. I found this blog, while searched some stuff related to React Native. He is from Germany.
I don’t know the name of this guy, but I found his blog, while checked some info about selling products/apps on Codecanyon. As I understood, this guy selling his own PHP-scripts on Codecanyon platform and sometimes making freelance work. He making progress reports too and last time experimenting with affiliate marketing.
The guy from Australia, who shared with people the business of making games. His goal - make $500000 online by creating games. Go to his blog and see if he will get it or not :)
He is blogger and lifestyle entrepreneur from Lithuania. He traveling a lot and writing about lifestyle, entrepreneurship, useful habits. Maybe, you already saw many of his articles on Forbes site. On his blog, you can read very detailed and interesting monthly reports about his life.
This guy from Hungary makes for living by selling apps in App Store. Hope he will write more in 2018 year.
if you want to know about Digital Nomads, you are welcome to visit this blog and this Youtube channel. Originally from Australia, he making money online and writing about his challenges. Highly recommend checking his Youtube channel. It’s brilliant in the world of Digital Nodam Lifestyle.
What are your favorites bloggers? Entrepreneurs? Will be grateful, if you share them with me in comments below.