How to share file in Telegram Mini App

telegram web TMA

Since a Telegram Mini App is simply HTML, CSS, and JavaScript running inside a native client, you can use the navigator.share() API.

An example of sharing sound file in Typescript app:

import WebApp from '@twa-dev/sdk'

try {
    url: "" + sound.file,
} catch (error) {
    "Unfortunatelly sharing unavailable on desktop, please try on mobile phone"

However, sharing will only work on native iOS, Android, and Desktop Telegram clients. The Telegram Mini App in the Telegram Web client is treated as a third-party iframe, and in this case, the browser will restrict access to the navigator.share() API. You will encounter the following error:

Unhandled Promise Rejection: NotAllowedError: Third-party iframes are not allowed to call share() unless explicitly allowed via Feature-Policy (web-share)
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